Pohodništvo / Hiking
Ne razume vsak, kaj nas vleče v pohodništvo: ko se poti vijejo v neskončnost, preden pridemo na cilj, ko so strmine tako strme, da bi najraje nadaljevali pot po vseh štirih, ko ti pot teče curkoma po obrazu in ga čutiš na vsakem svojem udu, ko se začneš vzpenjati v megli in ne veš, ali ti bo uspelo priti dovolj visoko, da se boš lahko naužil pogleda na dolino … Pohodništvo je šport, ki meni in mojemu možu pomeni več kot samo nabiranje kondicije, je gibanje, ki združuje izzive, stik z naravo in dvig adrenalina. Zato si prizadevava, da organizirava čim več družinskih izletov v hribe, da bi tako tudi otroka lahko začutila najino navezanost in neizmerne užitke, ki jih ta šport ponuja.
Živimo v deželi, ki je bogata s planinami, hribi in gorami, včasih rabimo samo nekaj minut, pa smo že na lepo urejeni poti, ki nas vodi v višino. Seveda previdno izbirava poti, da so primerne starosti otrok, in iščeva zanimivosti na poti, da bi ju z njimi spodbudila. Vendar nama vedno ne uspe, vsaj tako zgleda včasih na prvi pogled. Osemletni sin je zadnjič, ko smo se tako vzpenjali na Kamniško sedlo, ki je 1903 m visok preval v Kamniško-Savinjskih Alpah, rekel očetu: »Oči, ti si nor!« Bil je namreč ves naveličan, ker se je pot vlekla kot smrkelj in ni in ni mogel miren počakati, da pride do cilja. Zadnje pol ure pred vrhom je neprestano godrnjal. Tako nemogoč je bil, da smo komaj čakali, da pridemo na vrh, da bo le že enkrat utihnil. Ko smo prišli na vrh, je res utihnil, vendar ne za dolgo. Kajti zadovoljstvo in uspeh, ki ju je začutil ob osvojitvi vrha in pogledih, ki so se raztezali nad Ljubljansko kotlino in Logarsko dolino, so bili tudi za osemletnika spektakularni. Adrenalin zadovoljstva ga je tako prevzel, da je govoril samo še o tem, kateri vrh bo osvojil naslednji. Seveda ni mogel čakati predolgo, zato se je odločil kar za naslednji dan. Ne previsokega, vendar dovolj, da si nabere kondicijo za kasneje, ko se bo povzpel na najvišji slovenski vrh Triglav (2864 m), je bil preračunljiv. Do sedaj se je povzpel že na nekaj hribov, zato je vedel, da je potrebna kondicija za višje vzpone. Ker oči in sestra nista bila preveč navdušena nad idejo, da gremo v hribe tudi naslednji dan, ni obupal, določil je mene, da bova šla skupaj. Vprašal me je: »A ne mami, midva greva jutri na Lubnik,« (hrib blizu doma s 1025 m nadmorske višine) »in potem še naslednji dan tudi?« »Seveda,« sem mu odgovorila, ker mu nisem želela ubiti volje, saj je bil še pred eno uro povsem nesrečen. Upala sem, da bo do naslednjega dne na vse skupaj pozabil.
Naslednji dan pa že na vse zgodaj: »Mami, kdaj greva?« Ni pozabil. Kaj naj mu odgovorim? Po pravici povedano, sem imela v mislih že druge plane, a ga nisem želela razočarati. Odgovorila sem: »Po kosilu,« vmes pa razmišljala, kolikokrat se zgodi, da te osemletnik vabi v hribe, zato je bolje, da ne zamudim te priložnosti, kajti to bo poseben dan.
In res, po kosilu sva si pripravila pijačo za osvežitev in odrinila. Ko sva tako že nekaj časa hodila v tišini, sem ga vprašala: »A bi se pogovarjala?« On pa je odgovoril: »Kaj pa če bi bila kar tiho.« V odgovor sem mu pokimala in tiho sva hodila naprej. Jaz prva, on en meter za menoj. Vsak s svojimi mislimi. Z njegovega obraza sem razbrala, da tudi on uživa v svojih mislih. Razjedalo me je od radovednosti, kaj razmišlja, vendar nisem želela zmotiti miru, ker sva se tako dogovorila. Od zadovoljstva, da sem se odzvala njegovemu povabilu kljub svoji začetni nezainteresiranosti za vzpon, bi najraje na glas zavriskala. Moj sin je v meni prebudil tisti občutek sreče, ki ga doživi mati, ko ugotovi, da zna dosežen cilj vrednotiti in ceniti.
Vesela sem, da tudi moja otroka spoznavata in pozitivno gledata na pohodništvo, saj sedaj lahko uživamo v izzivih, ki so nam skupni. Za nami je še en »dober dogodek«.☺ Maja
Hiking / Pohodništvo
Not everyone understands what draws us to hiking: when a trail runs on endlessly before you reach your destination, when the trails are so steep that would you rather go ahead using both feet and hands at the same time, when you sweat so much that you can feel it on each limb, when you start climbing on a misty day and you don’t know when you will reach your destination or if you will be able to get high enough to relish the view of the valley. Hiking is a sport that means more to me and my husband than just being fit. Outdoor activities combine challenges, a connection with nature and an increase in adrenalin. Therefore, we will attempt to organize as many family hiking trips as possible in order for our children to feel our attachment to this sport and the infinite pleasures that it offers.
We live in a country rich in mountains and hills. Sometimes we only need a few minutes to get to a beautiful trail that leads us to a great height. Of course, we carefully choose routes that are suitable to our children’s ages and we do look for any form of attraction on the way to encourage them. However, we are not always successful, at least that is how it seems sometimes at first glance. Once when we were hiking in the Kamnik Saddle (1903 m high passes) of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, my eight year old son told his father: “Daddy, you are crazy!”. He was tired of walking, because the road ahead was long and he couldn’t be calm until we reached our destination. He grumbled through the last half an hour before we reached the top. He was such a nut that we could not wait to get to the top, so he would shut up for once. When we got to the top, he went silent, but not for long. The satisfaction that he felt when he conquered the mountain, the views extending throughout the Ljubljana Basin and the Logar Valley were spectacular, even for an eight year old boy. He was so overwhelmed with the satisfaction of that experience that he could only talk about which mountain they would conquer next. Of course, as he could not wait for too long, he decided to go the very next day. Not too high, but enough to build him up for later, when he would climb the highest Slovenian mountain, Triglav (2864 m). He was speculative as, until now, he had climbed a few mountains, so he knew that he needed be fit for the higher ascent. Even though his father and sister were not too excited about the idea of going into the mountains the next day, he didn’t give up, but instead decided that we would go together. He asked me: "Mom, we're going to conquer Lubnik tomorrow" (a hill close to home, which is 1,025 m above sea level) "and then the next day, too?" "Sure," I replied, because I did not want to kill the mood, as he had been completely miserable an hour ago. I had hoped that by the next day, he would forget about everything.
The next day, early in the morning he asked: “Mom, when do we leave?” He had not forgotten. What could I say? Honestly, I had already made other plans for that day, but I could not disappoint him. I answered: “After lunch.” I then stopped and wondered how often an eight year old boy invites his Mom to go hiking. Perhaps it was better to not miss a chance because this may be a special day.
And indeed, after lunch we prepared some drinks for the road and then we went. After walking for some time in silence, I asked him: "Would you like to talk?" He replied: "What if we were just quiet?" To respond I just nodded with my head in agreement and we walked quietly on. First me, then my son a meter behind. Each of us with their own thoughts. I couldn’t help but feel curious about what he was thinking. But I didn’t disturb the peace we had both agreed on. Despite my initial lack of interest at the invitation, I could have squealed with pleasure for responding and joining him. He made me feel happy and proud when I realized that he had learned to value and appreciate his achievements.
I am glad that my children are getting to know the sport with a positive attitude because now we can enjoy the challenges that we share. We’ve got another "good event" under our belts. ☺Maja