sreda, 10. februar 2016



Nedelja je. Prebudim se v oblačno jutro. Počutim se kot vreme, zato se mi ne da takoj vstati iz postelje. V roke vzamem knjigo in jo začnem brati. Tudi Ela in Vid se mi kasneje pridružita. Ela s knjigo v roki, Vid pa se tesno privije k meni in uživa v trenutkih crkljanja. Samo mož nam še manjka za popoln družinski užitek, je namreč na službeni poti. Jutro nam je že samo po sebi narekovalo, da se bo odvijalo počasi in da bomo imeli čas drug za drugega.

»Kot pisano na našo kožo,« sem si rekla, kajti dokončati smo morali kostume za pust, ki bo naslednji teden. Poleg lenarjenja in ustvarjanja pustnih mask si lahko privoščimo tudi kakšno pustno slaščico, kaj ne? Zato otrokoma predlagam, da spečemo pustne miške. Ni jima bilo treba dvakrat reči, takoj sta bila za. In tako se je pusto vreme spremenilo v pravi balzam za naše duše.

Ko sem bila majhna, smo pri nas doma v času pusta vedno pekli pustne krofe. Moja mami je spekla take z obročkom, kot iz trgovine, vendar še bolj okusne, ker so bili še vroči, ko smo jih jedli. Tudi sama sem se jih nekajkrat lotila in bila zelo uspešna, vendar pa otroka obožujeta tudi miške, zame pa je priprava teh bolj enostavna in hitra. Spodaj si lahko preberete recept. Doma pa smo za pust sami naredili tudi kostume. No, večino dela je opravila mami, ki je kostume sešila, mi smo ji pomagali bolj pri rezanju in barvanju. Počutim se kot takrat, ko sem kot majhna punčka opazovala mami, kako dela čudeže iz zame nemogočih stvari. Me prav zanima, kako to moja otroka doživljata danes? No, to je njun svet. Upam lahko le, da ko odrasteta, da bosta čutila enako vznemirjenje, kot ga jaz čutim v tem trenutku.

Prav zadovoljno in ponosno se počutim, kajti današnji dan smo izkoristili, kot se le da. Pustne maske so narejene in čakajo v veži na rajanje, okusili smo tudi že pustne dobrote in še čas za crkljanje nam je ostal. Kaj ni to popoln dan in dober dogodek? Maja



Obvezni pripomočki: pečica, mešalnik, plastična lopatica za testo, tehtnica, 2x posoda za mešanje, posoda za cvrtje, odcejevalna zajemalka

Sestavine za miške:
2 dl mleka
½ male žličke soli
3 dag kvasa
2 veliki žlici sladkorja
30 dag moke
3 rumenjaki
vaniljev sladkor
1 žlica ruma
6 dag raztopljenega surovega masla
maščoba za cvrtje (rastlinska)
sladkor v prahu za posip

V skledo vsujemo moko, v katro vmešamo sol.

Kvas z malo sladkorja in moke stopimo v 1 dl toplega mleka.

3.   KORAK
Rumenjake v posebni posodi spenimo, dodamo preostali sladkor, rum, vaniljev sladkor ter na koncu še stopljeno surovo maslo in mleko.

4.   KORAK
Mešanico z rumenjaki vlijemo v sredino moke in z mešalnikom mešamo. Počasi dodajamo še vzhajan kvas. Testo mešamo, dokler ne začne odstopati oziroma se rahlo ne loči od sklede. Testo za miške mora biti bolj mehko kot za krofe.

5.   KORAK
Testo pokrijemo s prtičkom in postavimo na toplo, da vzhaja. Ko ga je za dvakratno količino, segrejemo maščobo.

6.   KORAK
V razbeljeno maščobo pomočimo žlico in zajamemo testo, ki ga položimo v vročo maščobo. Ko miške porumenijo, jih obrnemo in ocvremo še z druge strani.

7.     KORAK
Ocvrte položimo na papir, da maščoba odteče. Nato jih zložimo na krožnik in potresemo s sladkorjem.

Dober tek!



It's Sunday. I wake up on a foggy morning and it doesn't feel right to get out of bed. For this reason, I reach for a book and start to read. Both children joined me later, Ela with a book in her hand, Vid just for cuddles.  We are enjoying a perfect family moment and only my husband is missing seeing as he is on business trip. The morning weather dictates how we will get on during this foggy day, leaving us with enough time for each other.  Everything is happening just like we wanted, I thought, now we can finish making our costumes for Carnival.

Next week is the Slovenian Carnival ( a carnival meant to scare away winter), which is an important and fun day for our children. I suggested that besides being creative with their costumes,  we should also make some Slovenian Carnival deserts. What if we baked Carnival Mice(a traditional Slovenian Carnival dessert) together? Not needing to be told a thing twice, they agreed at once. All at once, that foggy morning was developing into a real blessing day for our souls.

When I was young, my mum baked homemade Slovenian doughnuts every year. She baked them with a white ring around the center, just like the ones from the shops, but much better because we ate them when they were still hot. I baked them a few times when I was older, and I succeeded but my children prefer the Carnival Mice, which are easier and quicker for me to make.  You can take a look at the recipe below. When I was young, we also made our Carnival costumes. Well, most of the work was done by my mother. She sewed the costumes and we helped her with cutting and decorating. Today, more than ever, I felt like I did back then: how a little girl watched mum making my dreams make true. I wonder how my children experience these moments. Well, that is their world. I can just hope that when they grow up, they will feel same stir as I feel right now.
I feel happy and proud, for making good use of the day. The Carnival costumes are finished and waiting for a party, we had a taste of Carnival deserts and we still had enough time for cuddling. It was a perfect day. Maja



Baking tools & accessories we need: a kitchen stove, mixer, rubber spatula, a kitchen scale, 2 x mixing bowls, a frying pan and a strainer.

                                                                     2 dl milk                                                                    
½ tbsp salt
3 dag yeast
2 tsp caster sugar
30 dag flour
3 yolks
Vanilla sugar
1 tsp rum
6 dag melted butter
1/2 l vegetable oil
icing sugar

1.         STEP
In a large bowl, mix together the flour and salt.

2.         STEP
Mix the yeast with one spoon of sugar and a small spoon of flour into 1 dl milk.

3.         STEP
 In a bowl whisk together the yolk, caster sugar, rum, vanilla sugar, and, at the end, add the melted butter and milk.

4.         STEP
Make a well in the flour mix and pour the yolk mixture into it. Use a mixer to blend. Slowly add in the yeast. Stir together until the dough stops sticking to the bowl. The dough must be softer than the dough for doughnuts. That is only difference between dough for doughnuts and the Mice as the ingredients are same.

5.         STEP
Let the dough rest and rise. When it has doubled in size, we heat the oil.

6.         STEP
Dip a spoon into the oil and scoop out a heaped spoon of the dough. Place it into the oil gently and fry.

7.         STEP
Place the fried ‘Mice’ onto a layer of paper towel to dry. Dust the Mice with icing sugar and serve.

Bon Appétit!
