torek, 21. avgust 2018

Edinburg & prijateljstvo / Edinburgh & friendship

Življenje si predstavljam kot sestavljanko srečnih in nesrečnih dogodkov, skozi katere sem pridobila raznovrstne izkušnje – nekatere bolj, druge manj uspešne. Te izkušnje doživljam manj čustveno, če imam podporo prijateljev, ki mi veliko pomeni. V življenju sem šla skozi različna življenjska obdobja, v katerih sem izkusila različne prijateljske vezi, ki so vplivale na moje življenje. V otroštvu sem vzpostavljala odnos s prijatelji skozi igro, ta odnos pa je temeljil na skupnem preživljanju časa. Ko sem odrasla, je ta odnos s prijatelji prerastel igro. Ob sebi sem si želela nekoga, ki mi bo v oporo in mu lahko zaupam, ki ima sorodno mišljenje, odnos pa je čustven in temelji na mojih vrednotah. Ne glede na to, ali je bil odnos vzpostavljen v otroštvu, mladosti, službi, na dopustu ali preko skupnega prijatelja, so se skozi življenje določeni odnosi krepili, medtem ko so drugi minili ali pa celo ohladili in izločili, največkrat niti ne vem, kdaj točno se je to zgodilo.

Se tudi vam kdaj zgodi, da določeni ljudje, s katerimi preživljate čas, ostanejo vaši pravi prijatelji, drugi se je vez ohladila in so odšli? No, meni se to dogaja pogosto. Vsak od njih pa za sabo pusti sled v mojem srcu, neodvisno od časa, ki sva ga preživela skupaj. Z vami bi rada delila prav posebno prijateljsko vez, ki se je rodila povsem spontano in je danes, dvajset let pozneje, še močnejša, kot je bila na začetku.

Z možem sva se pred dvajsetimi leti preselila na prelepo Škotsko, točneje v Edinburg. V Sloveniji sem pustila službo in se podala živet v popolnoma nepoznano deželo. Šele danes se zavedam, da sem takrat doživela kar nekaj najbolj stresnih življenjskih dogodkov v zelo kratkem času. Vendar lahko danes z gotovostjo rečem, da je bil ta splet dogodkov ena najboljših izkušenj v mojem življenju. Življenje na Škotskem se mogoče marsikomu na prvi pogled niti ne bi zdelo tako drugačno, vendar pa je zame resnično bilo. Četudi si sprejet v novo družbo z naklonjenostjo, greš kot priseljenec skozi določene preizkušnje. Na začetku sem imela težave s prilagajanjem novemu okolju: govorila sem drug jezik, nisem poznala navad ljudi in vreme je bilo drugačno, kar je od mene zahtevalo določen čas za prilagoditev. Domotožje, ki sem ga občutila na začetku bivanja v tujini, je bilo tako močno, da je v meni prebudilo motivacijo in željo, da si poiščem slovensko družbo. No, sreča se mi je kmalu nasmehnila in dobila sem ne le enega temveč kar tri slovenske prijatelje. Čez nekaj časa, ko sem se prilagodila novemu življenju, so prišli tudi prijatelji iz novega okolja.

Danes, ko gledam nazaj na dogodke, ki so nas štiri prijatelje povezali skupaj, sem prepričana, da nas je povezala iskrena in globoka želja po slovenski družbi, ki se je takrat rodila v vseh nas. Konec koncev smo vsi bili daleč stran od doma in željni slovenske besede. Takrat si niti v sanjah nisem predstavljala, da bomo dvajset let pozneje še vedno prijatelji. Ko sva se z možem vrnila v Slovenijo, sem si mislila, da bo selitev prinesla nove prijatelje. Saj poznate tisti pregovor, daleč od oči, daleč od srca. Vendar temu ni bilo tako. Še danes smo prijatelji in združuje nas veliko pestrih dogodkov, ki so še izboljšali in okrepili našo prijateljsko vez. Zaradi njih sem danes to, kar sem, in zagotovo ne bi želela tega zamenjati za nič na svetu. Pravijo, da so pravi prijatelji redki, sama pa pravim, če si ga iskreno želiš, se prepusti in odpri za nova poznanstva. Spoznala sem, da so najresničnejši spontani dogodki, ki so plod iskrenih hotenj v naših življenjih. Poleg tega se zavemo šele čez čas, da imamo prijatelje v svojem življenju, in sicer ko od njih dobimo podporo in pomoč, občutimo zvestobo, zaupanje in povezanost, v zameno za vse to pa ne pričakujejo nič.

Občutki povezanosti so prav v tem času prišli na plano, ker sem z družino letošnje poletne počitnice preživela v Edinburgu. Vesela sem, da sta otroka spoznala mesto, v katerem sva z možem preživela dve leti, in hvaležna sem, da selitev ni bila le zgodba o bivanju v tujini, temveč tudi zgodba o prijateljstvu. Zame so prijatelji pomembni in dragoceni, saj v življenje prinašajo srečo, ki blagodejno vpliva na moje počutje. Ne glede na to, s kakšnim namenom in za koliko časa sem vzpostavila prijateljski odnos, se je moje življenje obogatilo. Zato je vsak dan s prijateljem dober dogodek. 😊 Maja

Edinburgh & friendship / Edinburgh & prijateljstvo

I imagine life as a puzzle composed of happy and unhappy events, and through them I gained many different experiences – some more, other less successful. It is easier to go through these experiences with your friends’ support. Our social life shapes our present. In my life, I went through different life periods, in which I experienced various friendships that influenced my life. During my childhood, I was able to establish a relationship through game, and it was based on spending time together. Later on, when growing up, I wanted a relationship where a friend would support me, trust me, share a similar opinion, and this relationship to be emotional and based on my values. Regardless of whether a relationship was established in childhood, youth, at work, on holidays, through a mutual friend... some relationships grow stronger, while others cool down or even terminate, often without knowing when exactly that happened.

Has it also ever happened to you that certain people in your life keep on being your true friends, while while others left for good? Well, that’s what often happens to me. Still, each of them leaves behind a footprint in my heart, no matter how long the friendship has lasted. I would like to share with you a special friendship that began quite spontaneously twenty years ago. Today, this relationship is even stronger than before.

I had left my job, got married, and moved with my husband to an unknown country, more precisely to Edinburgh, twenty-one years ago. I have lived there for two years. I can say with certainty it was the best decision in my life, even though I had to handle some challenging life situations at once.

To others, at first glance, life in Scotland might not seem so different, but it sure was to me. As a foreigner you have to face certain trials, even though you are accepted by the new environment with kindness. At the beginning, it was not easy to adapt: I spoke a different language, were unfamiliar with people's habits, the weather was different; therefore, I required more time for adjustment. I also felt homesick, which gave me the motivation to find myself a Slovenian friend who would also live there. Luckily, I got not only one but three Slovenian friends. After a while, I made local friends as well.

Today, when I look back on the events that have linked us four Slovenians together, I am convinced that it was a sincere and deep desire for some Slovenian company in all of us that brought us together. After all, we all missed speaking Slovenian. At that time, even in my dreams, I did not imagine that twenty years later these friends would still be in my life, and not only them, but also their families. When I returned to Slovenia, I thought that moving would bring new friends. You may know the saying: far from the eyes, far from the heart. Well, this was not the case, we are still together today and we are being brought together through many different events that have further refined and strengthened the ties between us. Because of them, I am what I am today, and I certainly would not want to change it for anything in the world. They say that true friends are rare, and I say, if you sincerely want a true friend, then let it go and open up to new connections. I have also learned that spontaneous events, which are the sincere efforts in our lives, are the most real events. We become aware that we have friends in our lives when we receive from them and feel their support, help, loyalty, trust, and connection, and they expect nothing in return.

Strong feelings of our friendly connections are present at this moment, because my family and I have spent our summer holidays in Edinburgh. It was the first time for my children to be there and to experience a bit of our life in a foreign country. I am grateful that this was not just a story about living abroad, but much more, a story about friendship. My friends are important and valuable to me because they bring happiness into my life, which has a beneficial effect on my well-being. My life was enriched by friendships, despite their purpose and duration. Therefore, every day spent with friends is a good event. 😊Maja

torek, 30. avgust 2016

Podjetništvo / Entrepreneurship 

Kar nekaj časa je minilo, odkar sem se nazadnje oglasila s prispevkom na mojem blogu. Vendar ves ta čas nisem mirovala, temveč sem se izobraževala, raziskovala, odkrivala in spoznavala. V mojem življenju se je pojavil izziv, o katerem sem že nekaj časa sanjala in ki me je popolnoma zaposlil, zato sem tisto malo prostega časa, ki sem ga imela na voljo, preživela z družino. Vendar pa je ta izziv v moje življenje prinesel novo svežino. Osamosvojitev. Oglašam se vam prvič kot podjetnica.

Skozi svoje dolgoletno delo in študij sem pridobila veliko znanja. Pot me je za nekaj časa celo zanesla v tujino, kjer sem preživela dve leti. Srečevala sem veliko ljudi in doživela nekaj, kar me je včasih dvigalo navzgor, spet drugič me spuščalo navzdol. Vse to pa je bil en čudovit preplet ljudi in dogodkov, ki so mojemu življenju dali življenjski nauk. Da ne sanjam o stvareh, ki jih imajo drugi, ampak da sanjam o svojih stvareh. Da se osredotočim na to, kar znam res dobro delati. Da se naučim novih stvari, nekaterih starih pa se znebim. Da sledim razvoju svojih moči in obvladovanju svojih slabosti. Zato danes projektu Dober dogodek dodajam še nov projekt, moje novo podjetje Dobra pisarna.

Dobra pisarna ni samo podjetje z določenimi nalogami, temveč sem to jaz. Ne delam več stvari, ker jih moram, ampak ker si jih želim. Vedno sem rada delam z ljudmi in tudi v prihodnje jim bom pomagala tako na osebni kot poslovni ravni. Na svoji poslovni poti sem trenutno najbolj aktivna pri dveh projektih: organizacija poslovnega dogodka in promocija zdravja na delovnem mestu. Vendar pa bo večji del mojega dela svetovanje in prodaja pisarniških pripomočkov. Ozaveščala bom ljudi za nakup eko pisarniških pripomočkov, narejenih iz recikliranih materialov, ki zmanjšujejo onesnaževanje, prihranijo energijo in ustvarjajo zdravo delovno okolje ter ergonomskih pripomočkov za zdravo in urejeno delovno mesto. Prepričana sem, da je zelena pisarna naša prihodnost in, da človeku in naravi prijazna pisarna pomeni prijetno delovno okolje, ki pripelje do večje učinkovitosti.

Prvič v življenju zares uživam v svojem delu, kot da bi prvič čutila, opazovala in zares videla, in to samo zato, ker sem lahko kreativna in delam stvari, ki so moja strast. Vsem vam želim, da tako kot sem jaz s projektom Dober dogodek osrečevala ljudi z malimi pozornostmi, da tudi vas mali koraki pripeljejo do tega, da postanete iz dneva v dan boljši in bolj svobodni. In veselim se že delati z vami. Maja

 Entrepreneurship / Podjetništvo 

It has been a while since I have written anything for the blog. Lately, I have been spending much of my time studying, researching, discovering and recognising what the next path in my life should be. This only leaves me a little free time, which I wanted to spend with my family. The greatest challenge I’ve faced in my career has engulfed my life completely. That was to become an entrepreneur and I would like to announce that, for the first time, I am writing to you as an entrepreneur. 

Through years of experience and studying I have gained a lot of knowledge. My own personal path led me abroad where I lived for two years. I gained a lot of different experiences, met new friends and, during the time in between, I had my ups and downs. Some of the most beautiful experiences in my life came from the interweaving of connections between people and moments and that is what has given my life true meaning. I do not dream about things that others have, but the things that I do have. I focus on what I know well. I am open to new things and leaving behind some old things because today I know that the knowledge I have isn’t enough. I have developed my strengths while managing my weaknesses. This is why I am adding a new project to my new business The Good Office today, The Good Event.  

The Good Office isn’t just a company that carries out certain tasks; it represents me. I love my new-found work because it makes me feel more fulfilled. I love working with people on a personal and business level, so this job is perfect for me. I am currently the most active in organizing business events for our suppliers and health promotions in the workplace. However, a major part of my work will be selling ergonomic and eco accessories for offices. My goal will also be to raise awareness of eco friendly offices that employ environmentally safe methods and the importance of maintaining a tidy workplace. I think that green offices are the future, not just in terms of nature but also of work environments and the effectiveness of employees.

For the first time in my life, I really enjoy my work. And why do I enjoy it? Because I can spark my own creativity through exploration without being held  back and I am glad that I can do things I am passionate about. I wish for all of you to start out with small projects such as my Good Event and make the people you love happy with small courtesies. It can only lead you to become a better and freer person every day. I am looking forward to working with you guys. Maja

sreda, 10. februar 2016



Nedelja je. Prebudim se v oblačno jutro. Počutim se kot vreme, zato se mi ne da takoj vstati iz postelje. V roke vzamem knjigo in jo začnem brati. Tudi Ela in Vid se mi kasneje pridružita. Ela s knjigo v roki, Vid pa se tesno privije k meni in uživa v trenutkih crkljanja. Samo mož nam še manjka za popoln družinski užitek, je namreč na službeni poti. Jutro nam je že samo po sebi narekovalo, da se bo odvijalo počasi in da bomo imeli čas drug za drugega.

»Kot pisano na našo kožo,« sem si rekla, kajti dokončati smo morali kostume za pust, ki bo naslednji teden. Poleg lenarjenja in ustvarjanja pustnih mask si lahko privoščimo tudi kakšno pustno slaščico, kaj ne? Zato otrokoma predlagam, da spečemo pustne miške. Ni jima bilo treba dvakrat reči, takoj sta bila za. In tako se je pusto vreme spremenilo v pravi balzam za naše duše.

Ko sem bila majhna, smo pri nas doma v času pusta vedno pekli pustne krofe. Moja mami je spekla take z obročkom, kot iz trgovine, vendar še bolj okusne, ker so bili še vroči, ko smo jih jedli. Tudi sama sem se jih nekajkrat lotila in bila zelo uspešna, vendar pa otroka obožujeta tudi miške, zame pa je priprava teh bolj enostavna in hitra. Spodaj si lahko preberete recept. Doma pa smo za pust sami naredili tudi kostume. No, večino dela je opravila mami, ki je kostume sešila, mi smo ji pomagali bolj pri rezanju in barvanju. Počutim se kot takrat, ko sem kot majhna punčka opazovala mami, kako dela čudeže iz zame nemogočih stvari. Me prav zanima, kako to moja otroka doživljata danes? No, to je njun svet. Upam lahko le, da ko odrasteta, da bosta čutila enako vznemirjenje, kot ga jaz čutim v tem trenutku.

Prav zadovoljno in ponosno se počutim, kajti današnji dan smo izkoristili, kot se le da. Pustne maske so narejene in čakajo v veži na rajanje, okusili smo tudi že pustne dobrote in še čas za crkljanje nam je ostal. Kaj ni to popoln dan in dober dogodek? Maja



Obvezni pripomočki: pečica, mešalnik, plastična lopatica za testo, tehtnica, 2x posoda za mešanje, posoda za cvrtje, odcejevalna zajemalka

Sestavine za miške:
2 dl mleka
½ male žličke soli
3 dag kvasa
2 veliki žlici sladkorja
30 dag moke
3 rumenjaki
vaniljev sladkor
1 žlica ruma
6 dag raztopljenega surovega masla
maščoba za cvrtje (rastlinska)
sladkor v prahu za posip

V skledo vsujemo moko, v katro vmešamo sol.

Kvas z malo sladkorja in moke stopimo v 1 dl toplega mleka.

3.   KORAK
Rumenjake v posebni posodi spenimo, dodamo preostali sladkor, rum, vaniljev sladkor ter na koncu še stopljeno surovo maslo in mleko.

4.   KORAK
Mešanico z rumenjaki vlijemo v sredino moke in z mešalnikom mešamo. Počasi dodajamo še vzhajan kvas. Testo mešamo, dokler ne začne odstopati oziroma se rahlo ne loči od sklede. Testo za miške mora biti bolj mehko kot za krofe.

5.   KORAK
Testo pokrijemo s prtičkom in postavimo na toplo, da vzhaja. Ko ga je za dvakratno količino, segrejemo maščobo.

6.   KORAK
V razbeljeno maščobo pomočimo žlico in zajamemo testo, ki ga položimo v vročo maščobo. Ko miške porumenijo, jih obrnemo in ocvremo še z druge strani.

7.     KORAK
Ocvrte položimo na papir, da maščoba odteče. Nato jih zložimo na krožnik in potresemo s sladkorjem.

Dober tek!



It's Sunday. I wake up on a foggy morning and it doesn't feel right to get out of bed. For this reason, I reach for a book and start to read. Both children joined me later, Ela with a book in her hand, Vid just for cuddles.  We are enjoying a perfect family moment and only my husband is missing seeing as he is on business trip. The morning weather dictates how we will get on during this foggy day, leaving us with enough time for each other.  Everything is happening just like we wanted, I thought, now we can finish making our costumes for Carnival.

Next week is the Slovenian Carnival ( a carnival meant to scare away winter), which is an important and fun day for our children. I suggested that besides being creative with their costumes,  we should also make some Slovenian Carnival deserts. What if we baked Carnival Mice(a traditional Slovenian Carnival dessert) together? Not needing to be told a thing twice, they agreed at once. All at once, that foggy morning was developing into a real blessing day for our souls.

When I was young, my mum baked homemade Slovenian doughnuts every year. She baked them with a white ring around the center, just like the ones from the shops, but much better because we ate them when they were still hot. I baked them a few times when I was older, and I succeeded but my children prefer the Carnival Mice, which are easier and quicker for me to make.  You can take a look at the recipe below. When I was young, we also made our Carnival costumes. Well, most of the work was done by my mother. She sewed the costumes and we helped her with cutting and decorating. Today, more than ever, I felt like I did back then: how a little girl watched mum making my dreams make true. I wonder how my children experience these moments. Well, that is their world. I can just hope that when they grow up, they will feel same stir as I feel right now.
I feel happy and proud, for making good use of the day. The Carnival costumes are finished and waiting for a party, we had a taste of Carnival deserts and we still had enough time for cuddling. It was a perfect day. Maja



Baking tools & accessories we need: a kitchen stove, mixer, rubber spatula, a kitchen scale, 2 x mixing bowls, a frying pan and a strainer.

                                                                     2 dl milk                                                                    
½ tbsp salt
3 dag yeast
2 tsp caster sugar
30 dag flour
3 yolks
Vanilla sugar
1 tsp rum
6 dag melted butter
1/2 l vegetable oil
icing sugar

1.         STEP
In a large bowl, mix together the flour and salt.

2.         STEP
Mix the yeast with one spoon of sugar and a small spoon of flour into 1 dl milk.

3.         STEP
 In a bowl whisk together the yolk, caster sugar, rum, vanilla sugar, and, at the end, add the melted butter and milk.

4.         STEP
Make a well in the flour mix and pour the yolk mixture into it. Use a mixer to blend. Slowly add in the yeast. Stir together until the dough stops sticking to the bowl. The dough must be softer than the dough for doughnuts. That is only difference between dough for doughnuts and the Mice as the ingredients are same.

5.         STEP
Let the dough rest and rise. When it has doubled in size, we heat the oil.

6.         STEP
Dip a spoon into the oil and scoop out a heaped spoon of the dough. Place it into the oil gently and fry.

7.         STEP
Place the fried ‘Mice’ onto a layer of paper towel to dry. Dust the Mice with icing sugar and serve.

Bon Appétit!


četrtek, 31. december 2015

Novo leto 2016

Zemlja zaključuje krog okoli sonca, staro leto nas zapušča in bliža se novo leto. Pred nami je odločitev kako bomo zakorakali v novo leto; ali bomo s seboj nesli staro in neuporabno prtljago iz prejšnjih let ali se je bomo otresli. Postanimo arhitekt svojega življenja in si zastavimo nove cilje in izzive.  Nekje sem prebrala, da do uspeha prideš le, če imaš plan. Zato vsem vam želim dobre plane, ki se vam naj v naslednjem letu 2016 uresničijo. Predvsem pa vam želim veliko ljubezni, sreče in zdravja.  Maja

Nihče ne uspe preseči svojih najdrznejših pričakovanj,
če ne začne z nekaj drznimi pričakovanji
Ralph Charell 

New Year 2016

The Earth is just about to make a full circle around the Sun, the soon to be past year is turning into new. As we make our vow’s it is up to us to decide whether we will carry on with our luggage from the past or are we ready to make a clean slate. Let us become the architect of our life and bring on new challenges and goals. I read somewhere than you can only succeed if you have a plan. I therefore wish for all your plans to come true in 2016. Mostly I wish much of love, happiness and the best of health for all. Maja

Nobody succeeds beyond his or her wildest expectations, 
unless he or she begins with some wild expectations
Ralph Charell 

četrtek, 10. december 2015

Mama / Mom

Biti starš ni enostavno. Predvsem zato, ker ni priročnika, ki bi nas lahko že vnaprej poučil, kako vzgajati otroka. Z vzgajanjem prenašamo na naše otroke naše izkušnje in znanja, ki izhajajo iz kulture, v kateri živimo, saj ko smo bili sami vzgajani, smo prevzeli določene norme, vrednote, socialni položaj …, in tako jih tudi mi prenašamo na svoje otroke. Naši starši in stari starši so imeli bolj avtoritarno vzgojo, ki je bila osnovana predvsem na moči in strahu, danes pa se vse več ljudi nagiba k bolj sočutni vzgoji, ki je osnovana na vzajemnem razvoju obeh: otroka in starša hkrati.

Vsak človek je edinstven, zato vzgaja otroke na svoj poseben način. Moja otroka me nenehno presenečata s svojimi dejanji. Enkrat sta vsa žareča, igriva, se smejita, spet drugič oslabljena, tiha, razočarana, vmes pa pridejo trenutki, ko sem utrujena od napornega dela, želim trenutek zase in nisem dovzetna za njuna razpoloženja, takrat prenašam na svoja otroka zapuščino prejšnjih generacij. Kot starš sem velikokrat v dilemi, ali je moja reakcija pravilna ali nepravilna. Vendar se vedno odločim za eno in za njo stojim ter samo upam, da je pravilna. Mogoče je povezana z mojo preteklostjo? V tistem trenutku tega ne vem, a me otroka kmalu seznanita z odgovorom. Saj sta onadva moja učitelja, ki v meni prebudita tista čustva, ki sem jih izgubila, ko so me pripravljali, da postanem družbeno bitje, in sta moje zrcalo, saj se v njiju zrcalim z vsemi pozitivnimi in negativnimi kvalitetami, ki sem jih na svoji poti socializacije prevzela.

Zavedam se, da naj se še tako trudim biti dobra mama in delati v skladu z njunimi željami, je včasih moja reakcija boljša drugič slabša. To je paket, ki sta ga moja otroka dobila, ali obratno, ki sem ga jaz dobila, ko smo se znašli na skupni poti. Moje osnovno in najpomembnejše vodilo danes je vzgajati z ljubeznijo, in ju ne poskušati oblikovati po svoje,  kajti prepričana sem, da jima le na ta način lahko vgradim občutek samospoštovanja in samozavesti. Hvaležna sem jima za to, da sta z menoj, in verjamem, da se dobro vrača z dobrim, zato ju nenehno hvalim, spodbujam in se trudim, da moja kritika ni škodljiva. Vem, da moja otroka ne potrebujeta idealne mame, temveč dobro mamo, in to me pomirja.Maja

Mom / Mama

It isn’t easy being parent, mainly because there is no manual to teach us how to up bring our children. By bringing up our children, we transfer both the experience and knowledge derived from the culture in which we live.  When we were brought up, we took in certain norms, values, social status ... which are transferred to our children. Our parents and grandparents had a more authoritarian upbringing, which was based primarily on power and fear, but today more and more people tend towards a more compassionate education, which is based on the mutual and simultaneous development of both children and parents.

Every person is unique, so raising children must be done individually. My children constantly surprise me with their behaviour. Sometimes they are all bright, playful, and full of laughter, while other times they are weakened, quiet, and disappointed. In between, come moments when I was tired of all the hard work, when I wanted a moment for myself and I was more insensitive to their moods. It was then that I transmitted a legacy of previous generations to my children. As a parent I am often faced with the dilemma of whether my reaction is correct or incorrect. But I still stand by my choice. There are many times when I am in a situation where I hope that my decision is the right one. Could it be related to my past? At that moment, I do not know, but I know my child will soon give me an answer. They are my teachers, they awaken in me those emotions that I lost when I was becoming a social person and they are my mirror, they reflect all my positive and negative qualities, which I take in on my path to socialization.

I realize that, if I try hard to be a good mother and work in accordance with their wishes, the end result is sometimes better and sometimes worse. This is the package that my child has received, or vice versa, which I receive when we find ourselves on the same path. My basic and primary considerations on upbringing my children today is to raise them with love. I am not trying to shape them because I'm sure that this is the only way that they can become self-respecting and self-confident people. I am grateful to them for being with me and I believe in karma, so I constantly praise, encourage and try not to hurt them with my criticism. I know that my child does not need a perfect mother, but a good mother and this calms me. Maja

četrtek, 15. oktober 2015

Dobrodelnost ovita v igro / Charity Through the Play

Dobrodelnost je eden izmed načinov vzgajanja naše sreče, ko opravljamo dobra dela gradimo svojo srečo. Starši smo lahko lep zgled otrokom s tem, da jim pomagamo vzbuditi sočutje do okolice, saj niso vsi že po naravi enako sočutni do nje. Eden izmen načinov vzbujanja je, da družina skupaj kot tim, nekaj doprinese v skupnost s prostovoljnim delom. Pri tem pa ne smemo pozabiti, da vse kar delamo, delamo s srcem in ni prisila. Zato z možem otrokoma dobrodelnost ovijeva v igro. Najprej jima zbudiva željo, podpreva vero v uspeh in od izvedbe do zaključka spodbujava njuno vztrajnost.

V soboto, 3. oktobra smo že tretjič sodelovali na sejmu Semenj na Fari s projektom “Makroni”. Skupaj s prijatelji smo makrone napekli, otroci pa so jih na trgu prodajali v dobrodelne namene, in s tem prispevali nekaj v Karitasov mošnjiček.  Postali smo že utečena ekipa, vendar se kljub temu pred nami vedno najde kakšen nov izziv. Tokrat je bil predviden slab vreme za soboto, zato smo morali biti ustvarjalni in cel projekt prilagodili tako, da so otroci bili pripravljeni prodajati tudi v dežju pod dežnikom. Skrbno smo zaščitili makrone, saj so zelo krhki, dali smo jih v embalažo, ter še v posebno škatlo. Sreča je bila na naši strani in je ob 10. uri že nehalo deževati. Kmalu je bilo prodano kar smo napekli, zato je ostalo še dovolj časa, da so se otroci lahko pridružili ustvarjalni delavnici, ki je bila organizirana v okviru sejma.

Čudovit dan in prijetna izkušnja je za nami. Uživamo, ko delamo “dobre dogodke”, še posebej, ko jih delamo skupaj s prijatelji. Pravijo, da so srečni tisti, ki dajejo in ne tisti, ki jemljejo. 

Bravo vsem in čestitke organizatorjem!  Maja

Charity Through the Play / Dobrodelnost ovita v igro

When we do charity work we raise our level of happiness, and it is one of the ways to become a happier person. As parents, we can be a good example to children, help them to get a feeling for it and raise their level of sympathy towards their community because some children are more sympathetic than others. Families working together as a team is a way in which to achieve an increase in children’s feeling of sympathy, but we mustn’t forget that what we are doing has to be done with passion and not force. This is why my husband and I introduce to them charity work through play. Firstly, we awaken their desire and secondly, support their passion and persistence from the beginning to the end of the project.

On Saturday, 3 October, we attended the Loka Market Fair in Fara for the third time with the project “Macaroons.” Along with our friends, we baked macaroons and the children sold them at the Fair for charity thereby contributing some money for Karitas. As such, we have become a good team and we are not afraid of new challenges. This time our challenge took the form of the Saturday weather forecast, which was for rain. For this reason, we had to be creative and we had to adjust the whole project to the weather conditions and get the delicate macaroons out of rain and sell them under our umbrellas. For this purpose, we packed all of the macaroons in plastic containers and then also put them in special boxes for protection. Luck was on our side and rain stopped by 10 o’clock. After that, the children could sell out the macaroons easily. Later on, they had some free time and joined the children’s work shop which was carried out at the Loka Market Fair.

All in all, it was a great day and a pleasant experience. When we do such “good work”, especially in the company of friends, we feel we are really enjoying life. They say that those who are happy give rather than take.

Well done everyone and congratulation to our organizers!  Maja

sreda, 16. september 2015

Pohodništvo / Hiking

Ne razume vsak, kaj nas vleče v pohodništvo: ko se poti vijejo v neskončnost, preden pridemo na cilj, ko so strmine tako strme, da bi najraje nadaljevali pot po vseh štirih, ko ti pot teče curkoma po obrazu in ga čutiš na vsakem svojem udu, ko se začneš vzpenjati v megli in ne veš, ali ti bo uspelo priti dovolj visoko, da se boš lahko naužil pogleda na dolino … Pohodništvo je šport, ki meni in mojemu možu pomeni več kot samo nabiranje kondicije, je gibanje, ki združuje izzive, stik z naravo in dvig adrenalina. Zato si prizadevava, da organizirava čim več družinskih izletov v hribe, da bi tako tudi otroka lahko začutila najino navezanost in neizmerne užitke, ki jih ta šport ponuja.

Živimo v deželi, ki je bogata s planinami, hribi in gorami, včasih rabimo samo nekaj minut, pa smo že na lepo urejeni poti, ki nas vodi v višino. Seveda previdno izbirava poti, da so primerne starosti otrok, in iščeva zanimivosti na poti, da bi ju z njimi spodbudila. Vendar nama vedno ne uspe, vsaj tako zgleda včasih na prvi pogled. Osemletni sin je zadnjič, ko smo se tako vzpenjali na Kamniško sedlo, ki je 1903 m visok preval v Kamniško-Savinjskih Alpah, rekel očetu: »Oči, ti si nor!« Bil je namreč ves naveličan, ker se je pot vlekla kot smrkelj in ni in ni mogel miren počakati, da pride do cilja. Zadnje pol ure pred vrhom je neprestano godrnjal. Tako nemogoč je bil, da smo komaj čakali, da pridemo na vrh, da bo le že enkrat utihnil. Ko smo prišli na vrh, je res utihnil, vendar ne za dolgo. Kajti zadovoljstvo in uspeh, ki ju je začutil ob osvojitvi vrha in pogledih, ki so se raztezali nad Ljubljansko kotlino in Logarsko dolino, so bili tudi za osemletnika spektakularni. Adrenalin zadovoljstva ga je tako prevzel, da je govoril samo še o tem, kateri vrh bo osvojil naslednji. Seveda ni mogel čakati predolgo, zato se je odločil kar za naslednji dan. Ne previsokega, vendar dovolj, da si nabere kondicijo za kasneje, ko se bo povzpel na najvišji slovenski vrh Triglav (2864 m), je bil preračunljiv. Do sedaj se je povzpel že na nekaj hribov, zato je vedel, da je potrebna kondicija za višje vzpone. Ker oči in sestra nista bila preveč navdušena nad idejo, da gremo v hribe tudi naslednji dan, ni obupal, določil je mene, da bova šla skupaj. Vprašal me je: »A ne mami, midva greva jutri na Lubnik,« (hrib blizu doma s 1025 m nadmorske višine) »in potem še naslednji dan tudi?« »Seveda,« sem mu odgovorila, ker mu nisem želela ubiti volje, saj je bil še pred eno uro povsem nesrečen. Upala sem, da bo do naslednjega dne na vse skupaj pozabil.

Naslednji dan pa že na vse zgodaj: »Mami, kdaj greva?« Ni pozabil. Kaj naj mu odgovorim? Po pravici povedano, sem imela v mislih že druge plane, a ga nisem želela razočarati. Odgovorila sem: »Po kosilu,« vmes pa razmišljala, kolikokrat se zgodi, da te osemletnik vabi v hribe, zato je bolje, da ne zamudim te priložnosti, kajti to bo poseben dan.

In res, po kosilu sva si pripravila pijačo za osvežitev in odrinila. Ko sva tako že nekaj časa hodila v tišini, sem ga vprašala: »A bi se pogovarjala?« On pa je odgovoril: »Kaj pa če bi bila kar tiho.« V odgovor sem mu pokimala in tiho sva hodila naprej. Jaz prva, on en meter za menoj. Vsak s svojimi mislimi. Z njegovega obraza sem razbrala, da tudi on uživa v svojih mislih. Razjedalo me je od radovednosti, kaj razmišlja, vendar nisem želela zmotiti miru, ker sva se tako dogovorila. Od zadovoljstva, da sem se odzvala njegovemu povabilu kljub svoji začetni nezainteresiranosti za vzpon, bi najraje na glas zavriskala. Moj sin je v meni prebudil tisti občutek sreče, ki ga doživi mati, ko ugotovi, da zna dosežen cilj vrednotiti in ceniti.

Vesela sem, da tudi moja otroka spoznavata in pozitivno gledata na pohodništvo, saj sedaj lahko uživamo v izzivih, ki so nam skupni. Za nami je še en »dober dogodek«. Maja

Hiking / Pohodništvo

Not everyone understands what draws us to hiking: when a trail runs on endlessly before you reach your destination, when the trails are so steep that would you rather go ahead using both feet and hands at the same time, when you sweat so much that you can feel it on each limb, when you start climbing on a misty day and you don’t know when you will reach your destination or if you will be able to get high enough to relish the view of the valley. Hiking is a sport that means more to me and my husband than just being fit.  Outdoor activities combine challenges, a connection with nature and an increase in adrenalin. Therefore, we will attempt to organize as many family hiking trips as possible in order for our children to feel our attachment to this sport and the infinite pleasures that it offers.

We live in a country rich in mountains and hills. Sometimes we only need  a few minutes to get to a beautiful trail that leads us to a great height. Of course, we carefully choose routes that are suitable to our children’s ages and we do look for any form of attraction on the way to encourage them. However, we are not always successful, at least that is how it seems sometimes at first glance. Once when we were hiking in the Kamnik Saddle (1903 m high passes) of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, my eight year old son told his father: “Daddy, you are crazy!”. He was tired of walking, because the road ahead was long and he couldn’t be calm until we reached our destination. He grumbled through the last half an hour before we reached the top.  He was such a nut that we could not wait to get to the top, so he would shut up for once. When we got to the top, he went silent, but not for long. The satisfaction that he felt when he conquered the mountain, the views extending throughout the Ljubljana Basin and the Logar Valley were spectacular, even for an eight year old boy. He was so overwhelmed with the satisfaction of that experience that he could only talk about which mountain they would conquer next. Of course, as he could not wait for too long, he decided to go the very next day. Not too high, but enough to build him up for later, when he would climb the highest Slovenian mountain, Triglav (2864 m). He was speculative as, until now, he had climbed a few mountains, so he knew that he needed be fit for the higher ascent. Even though his father and sister were not too excited about the idea of going into the mountains the next day, he didn’t give up, but instead decided that we would go together. He asked me: "Mom, we're going to conquer Lubnik tomorrow" (a hill close to home, which is 1,025 m above sea level) "and then the next day, too?" "Sure," I replied, because I did not want to kill the mood, as he had been completely miserable an hour ago. I had hoped that by the next day, he would forget about everything.

The next day, early in the morning he asked: “Mom, when do we leave?” He had not forgotten. What could I say? Honestly, I had already made other plans for that day, but I could not disappoint him. I answered: “After lunch.” I then stopped and wondered how often an eight year old boy invites his Mom to go hiking. Perhaps it was better to not miss a chance because this may be a special day.

And indeed, after lunch we prepared some drinks for the road and then we went. After walking for some time in silence, I asked him: "Would you like to talk?"  He replied: "What if we were just quiet?" To respond I just nodded with my head in agreement and we walked quietly on. First me, then my son a meter behind. Each of us with their own thoughts. I couldn’t help but feel curious about what he was thinking. But I didn’t disturb the peace we had both agreed on. Despite my initial lack of interest at the invitation, I could have squealed with pleasure for responding and joining him. He made me feel happy and proud when I realized that he had learned to value and appreciate his achievements.

I am glad that my children are getting to know the sport with a positive attitude because now we can enjoy the challenges that we share. We’ve got another "good event" under our belts. Maja