četrtek, 15. oktober 2015

Dobrodelnost ovita v igro / Charity Through the Play

Dobrodelnost je eden izmed načinov vzgajanja naše sreče, ko opravljamo dobra dela gradimo svojo srečo. Starši smo lahko lep zgled otrokom s tem, da jim pomagamo vzbuditi sočutje do okolice, saj niso vsi že po naravi enako sočutni do nje. Eden izmen načinov vzbujanja je, da družina skupaj kot tim, nekaj doprinese v skupnost s prostovoljnim delom. Pri tem pa ne smemo pozabiti, da vse kar delamo, delamo s srcem in ni prisila. Zato z možem otrokoma dobrodelnost ovijeva v igro. Najprej jima zbudiva željo, podpreva vero v uspeh in od izvedbe do zaključka spodbujava njuno vztrajnost.

V soboto, 3. oktobra smo že tretjič sodelovali na sejmu Semenj na Fari s projektom “Makroni”. Skupaj s prijatelji smo makrone napekli, otroci pa so jih na trgu prodajali v dobrodelne namene, in s tem prispevali nekaj v Karitasov mošnjiček.  Postali smo že utečena ekipa, vendar se kljub temu pred nami vedno najde kakšen nov izziv. Tokrat je bil predviden slab vreme za soboto, zato smo morali biti ustvarjalni in cel projekt prilagodili tako, da so otroci bili pripravljeni prodajati tudi v dežju pod dežnikom. Skrbno smo zaščitili makrone, saj so zelo krhki, dali smo jih v embalažo, ter še v posebno škatlo. Sreča je bila na naši strani in je ob 10. uri že nehalo deževati. Kmalu je bilo prodano kar smo napekli, zato je ostalo še dovolj časa, da so se otroci lahko pridružili ustvarjalni delavnici, ki je bila organizirana v okviru sejma.

Čudovit dan in prijetna izkušnja je za nami. Uživamo, ko delamo “dobre dogodke”, še posebej, ko jih delamo skupaj s prijatelji. Pravijo, da so srečni tisti, ki dajejo in ne tisti, ki jemljejo. 

Bravo vsem in čestitke organizatorjem!  Maja

Charity Through the Play / Dobrodelnost ovita v igro

When we do charity work we raise our level of happiness, and it is one of the ways to become a happier person. As parents, we can be a good example to children, help them to get a feeling for it and raise their level of sympathy towards their community because some children are more sympathetic than others. Families working together as a team is a way in which to achieve an increase in children’s feeling of sympathy, but we mustn’t forget that what we are doing has to be done with passion and not force. This is why my husband and I introduce to them charity work through play. Firstly, we awaken their desire and secondly, support their passion and persistence from the beginning to the end of the project.

On Saturday, 3 October, we attended the Loka Market Fair in Fara for the third time with the project “Macaroons.” Along with our friends, we baked macaroons and the children sold them at the Fair for charity thereby contributing some money for Karitas. As such, we have become a good team and we are not afraid of new challenges. This time our challenge took the form of the Saturday weather forecast, which was for rain. For this reason, we had to be creative and we had to adjust the whole project to the weather conditions and get the delicate macaroons out of rain and sell them under our umbrellas. For this purpose, we packed all of the macaroons in plastic containers and then also put them in special boxes for protection. Luck was on our side and rain stopped by 10 o’clock. After that, the children could sell out the macaroons easily. Later on, they had some free time and joined the children’s work shop which was carried out at the Loka Market Fair.

All in all, it was a great day and a pleasant experience. When we do such “good work”, especially in the company of friends, we feel we are really enjoying life. They say that those who are happy give rather than take.

Well done everyone and congratulation to our organizers!  Maja

2 komentarja:

  1. ...zelo lep napisano. Vedno rada berem tvoje bloge, ker so napisani zelo pozitivno in podpirajo vrednote, ki so mi blizu in bi jih moral vsak imeti. Kar tako naprej in prosim še več blogov :)

  2. Hvala, se bom potrudila. ☺ Maja
